Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

Blogging!!  I never thought I would do it but after reading so many others blogs for the past year I thought that this is something I would love to do.  I want this blog to be about my everyday life but I am going to focus a lot on cooking and, of course, my family.  My family consists of my adoring husband and my beautiful daughter who is 7 weeks old right now.  We have been married for a little over a year and it has absolutely flown by.  In that year we have moved to the "mountains" from the bay area, I had our daughter, He started a new job and profession, and we have moved 4 times......It is a crazy life but that is why I wanted to call my blog moments of timeless treasures because each moment goes by so fast and remembering the good and the bad is what makes life so interesting :)

My husband and I love to cook together, that is one of the things that really brings us together.  We have the reputation of being good chefs and love trying new things.  My husband is much more adventurous then I am with trying new things but I have come to love that about him and because of that I have tried many things I probably would have never tried had I not been with him. Some examples are buffalo, bear, and most recently elk meat. These are all things that I would have never tried if he had not asked me to.  Another thing that goes with cooking that I am trying to do with my family is eat as whole, raw, and organic as possible.  I really try to make a lot of what we eat from scratch.  This is not always possible but I am trying and for the most part we do fairly good.   My resolution this year is to try to expand my culinary horizon to include things that are "healthy" but make them actually taste good. That is why I want to blog, I will try out new recipes and put them on here and see how it goes.  Happy New Year to all and I hope this year is filled with moments of timeless treasures!!!

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